- 然而这次工会运动存在着分歧。
- But the union movement is split .
- 这也是医生产生分歧的地方。
- That 's where doctors are split .
- 这一抉择让一些家庭出现分歧。
- The decision has split some families .
- 欧洲的分裂是不可避免的。
- Division of europe was inevitable .
- 干细胞也进行不对称分裂。
- Stem cells also undergo asymmetric division .
- 这种分裂正在变得越来越严重。
- This division is becoming increasingly bitter .
- 通俗社会学家喜欢将1945年以后出生的人划分为不同的群体。
- Pop sociologists like to divide people born since 1945 into different groups .
- 双方经过长达数十年的谈判,就如何划分该区域达成一致意见。
- The deal follows decades of negotiations between the two sides over how to divide the region .
- 这次纷争将加深他们的分裂。
- The dispute deepens their divide .