- 钓鱼也是这个时节最好的活动,尤其是钓条纹鲈鱼和竹荚鱼。
- The fishing is good at this time of year , notably for striped bass and bluefish .
- 吟唱声、欢笑声驻及行进的低音鼓。
- The sounds of chanting , laughter and the marching bass drum .
- 你的眼有否注意到低音提琴部,那个唯一的女性?
- Has your eye been drawn to the sole female in the double bass section ?
- 买一部辐射吸收标准低的手机吧。
- Look for a cell phone with a low sar .
- 欧元兑美元跌至一个月以来的低点。
- The euro fell to a one-month low against the dollar .
- 低廉的生活成本吸引了退休人员和南下越冬者。
- Low cost of living has attracted retirees and snow birds .
- 印度需要庞大的制造业基础。
- India needs a big manufacturing base .
- 我们的基地被袭击了!
- Our base is under attack !
- 另一个问题则是投资者基础。
- Another problem is the investor base .