Here s a news story guaranteed to provoke a fusillade of indignant spluttering : german politicians are reportedly planning to ban kinder surprise eggs on the grounds that they re a safety hazard .
One manchester united fan landed back in england from lisbon yesterday to be greeted with a fusillade of crowing text messages from friends who follow rival clubs .
In a wide-ranging fusillade against obama , cheney also criticised his choice of ambassador in iraq , christopher hill , calling him inexperienced , and said the president was using the recession to try to justify " one of the biggest expansions of federal authority ...... in the history of the republic " .
Initially , davies and the guardian were greeted by what investigations editor david leigh described in an interview as a " fusillade of lies " from news international and the police , some of whose officers had illegally sold material to reporters .
The insurgents did not reply to this musketry , in order to spare their ammunition the fusillade broke against the barricade ; but the street , which it filled , was terrible .
To attack with a fusillade .
If ms kagan was unsettled by this fusillade she did not betray it .
They retreated under a fusillade of bullets .
Our fusillade from the left flank caught them by surprise .