- 所以,从今天开始再找一份工作吧,但不要匆忙行事。
- So start looking for another job today , but don 't do anything hasty .
- 周四来自亚洲国家的一系列声明似乎旨在防止任何匆忙任命欧洲候选人的决定。
- A volley of statements from asia on thursday seemed designed to pre-empt any hasty appointment of a european .
- 当你拥抱你的孩子时,不要匆忙,投入你的感情和爱。
- Do not be hasty , devote all your affection and love when you hug your child .
- 她匆忙捏造了一个借口。
- She hastily cooked up an excuse .
- 政府匆忙承诺将会进行改革。
- The government is hastily promising reforms .
- 但此人承认,这笔交易是仓促而就。
- But , the person concedes , the deal was a hastily arranged marriage .
- 他放慢了他的脚步,停留了几秒钟,然后他匆忙地赶路以赶上他的时间表。
- He slowed his pace and stopped for a few seconds , and then he hurried on to meet his schedule .
- 他们因此很仓促很随意,促使他们退去艰难时期的记忆。
- They therefore tend to be hurried and haphazard , and support for them fades with memory of the hard times .
- 当别的女同学匆忙赶到时,小倪已经坐在教室读过几遍课文了。
- When the other girls hurried , small ni have been sitting in the classroom to read the text many times .
- 在欧洲一些银行避免国家的钱损害到现有股东的利益:去年目睹巴克莱银行匆忙的从中东的投资者手中筹集资金。
- In europe some avoided state cash by treating existing shareholders badly : witness the money that barclays hurriedly raised from middle eastern investors last year .
- 范切尔赶紧用报纸盖住这位不速之客的光身子。
- Van cheele hurriedly covered his unwanted guest 's nakedness with a newspaper .
- 但自2008年以来仓促同意收购西方银行的股份后,投资基金不时会遭遇惨重损失。
- But investment funds have sometimes suffered painful losses after hurriedly agreeing to buy stakes in western banks since 2008 .