

hasty 变化形式
比较级: hastier
最高级: hastiest
易混淆的单词: Hasty

hasty 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- So start looking for another job today , but don 't do anything hasty .
- 所以,从今天开始再找一份工作吧,但不要匆忙行事。
- A volley of statements from asia on thursday seemed designed to pre-empt any hasty appointment of a european .
- 周四来自亚洲国家的一系列声明似乎旨在防止任何匆忙任命欧洲候选人的决定。
- Do not be hasty , devote all your affection and love when you hug your child .
- 当你拥抱你的孩子时,不要匆忙,投入你的感情和爱。
- Don 't make a hasty decision to raise capital requirements across the financial sector until more analysis is done .
- 在进行更深入的分析之前,不要匆忙做出增加金融业资本金要求的决定。
- Even more worrying is the hasty approval of certain public policies under the seemingly overwhelming weight of online opinion .
- 更令人担忧的是一些公共政策是在在线民意似乎是压倒性一边倒的情况下匆忙批准的。
- Technocratic language and hasty writing have replaced elegance and reflection .
- 技术官僚语言和仓促写作已取代了优雅和反思。
- As asia knows all too well , a hasty liberalisation can end in tears .
- 正如亚洲所切身体会到的,仓促放开可能导致惨痛的结局。
- At the same time , one-sided and unduly hasty adjustment would exacerbate the downturns in the eurozone and world economies .
- 另一方面,过于仓促的单方面调整,会使欧元区和全球的经济下滑雪上加霜。
- Anger over rocketing oil prices and too hasty plans to reopen the market to us beef boiled over into huge anti-government protests .
- 油价飙升以及过于仓促地向美国开放本国牛肉市场引发的愤怒,已演变为大规模的反政府抗议活动。
- Hasty generalization : a generalization based on too little evidence or on exceptional or biased evidence .
- 轻率的归纳:推广基于太少的证据,或特殊情况,或有偏见的证据。