- 不过,临时友情欣欣向荣之地,临时敌意也会茁壮成长。
- But where casual friendship thrives , so does casual enmity .
- 如果宗教仇恨者想向教皇展示一下英国人的不满情绪,纽曼的弥撒仪式上应该会出现最大规模的抗议。
- If religious enmity explained british surliness towards benedict xvi , newman 's mass would surely witness the greatest protests .
- 这招致了科索沃阿尔巴尼亚人的敌意。
- This has incurred much enmity from kosovo 's albanians .
- 墙上的涂鸦宣泄着阿拉伯部落与黑人之间种族仇恨。
- On the walls the graffiti express ethnic hatred between arabs and blacks .
- 但孩子们什么也不懂,我们也不知道憎恨。
- But kids don 't know , we don 't know hatred .
- 人人都说他对美国的憎恨来自于美对以色列的仇恨。
- By all accounts his animus toward the u. s.was rooted in a hatred of israel .
- 现在他们有了一个敌人。
- Now they have an enemy .
- 而敌人正是一只熊猫。
- The enemy is a panda .
- 间谍活动侵犯每个人的自由,每个人的隐私,而不仅仅是敌人的。
- Spying infringes everyone 's freedom , everyone 's privacy , not just that of the enemy .
- 他并不支持新保守主义的梦想即美国能够让每个敌人胆战心惊并期望整个世界接受其价值观。
- He does not subscribe to the neocon dream that america can intimidate every foe and expect the whole world to adopt its values .
- 与自己为敌,你把丰饶的田野变成荒原。
- Thy self thy foe , to thy sweet self too cruel .
- 奥巴马政府和曾经的敌人---越南建立了更紧密的关系。
- The obama administration has cultivated closer ties with its old foe vietnam .
- 把财富带到国外去可能满足了一种报复的政治需要,但是最终可能伤害了纳税人。
- Driving the wealthy abroad may satisfy a political need for vengeance but could harm taxpayers in the end .
- 目前,这种财富效应已出现报复性逆转。
- Now that wealth effect has reversed with a vengeance .
- 里约热内卢leonardobento在一名警察五年前杀了他的兄弟后就一直期待着复仇。
- Rio de janeiro - leonardo bento longed for vengeance after a policeman killed his brother five years ago .
- 不是基督给了你一个好配偶。
- It 's not christ plus the right spouse .
- 如果你的配偶辱骂你,你可以离婚。
- You can divorce an abusive spouse .
- 问过你爱人的意见却反其道而行。
- Ask for your spouse 's opinion and then do the opposite .