- 大量的资金投入到下游交界的湖北省的三峡大坝的建设,以及因水库离开家园的几十万移民的重新安置,这座水库一直延伸到重庆城本身。
- Money has poured in for the construction of the three gorges dam , downriver in neighbouring hubei province , and the relocation of hundreds of thousands of people displaced by the reservoir that stretches up to chongqing city itself .
- 牧师说:“让街头游民有地方可去很重要,这同样也在帮助这个城市的居民,街头少些人游荡,让他们感到更安全。”
- The reverend says , " it is important for people living on the streets to have a place to go . It also helps the residents of the city . It makes them feel safer having less people on the street . "
- “尤其是这一次,每当有人试图访问陈光诚的时候,人们都会遭到抢劫和殴打,每天都这样,看到那么多粉饰临沂的评论,我感到深深的遗憾,”她说。
- " Especially at this time , when every day there are people trying to visit chen guangcheng , people who have been robbed and beaten , I express deep regret to see such remarks whitewashing the city of linyi , " she said .