
unshackling 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The first , which occurred mostly in the first decade , involved unshackling social and economic structures .
- 第一个阶段大致出现在第一个10年,涉及为社会和经济结构松绑。
- Furthermore , the cold war 's end prompted western donors to stop propping up anti-communist dictators and to start insisting on democratic reforms , of which unshackling the press was one .
- 进一步来说,冷战的结束促使西方大佬们停止对反共独裁者的支持,并且开始坚持推进民主改革,这其中的一环便是放开对媒体的钳制。
- Their feeble attempts to claim a role in unshackling arabs from their decades-old , repressive ( and largely pro-american ) regimes were ignored .
- 他们的软弱试图要求中解放出来,从他们在数十年的历史,镇压(并在很大程度上亲美)制度被忽略了阿拉伯人的作用。
- His timing was fortunate , coinciding as it did with prime minister manmohan singh 's tenure as finance minister and his unshackling of india 's economy .
- 他选择的时间恰到好处,恰如财政部长manmohansingh在其任期中解放了印度经济。