
v.抽出鞘,拔出( unsheathe的过去式和过去分词 )
unsheathed 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Because I am going to cut off the righteous and the wicked , my sword will be unsheathed against everyone from south to north .
- 我既要从你中间剪除义人和恶人,所以我的刀要出鞘,自南至北攻击一切有血气的。
- I stopped , my eyes widened as I heard the deathly swish of a knife being unsheathed .
- 我停下来,我的眼睛都瞪大了,因为我听到了一个被刀出鞘死一般的唰唰声。
- There was just enough moonlight for him to see the bottom of his door , so he blew out his candle and unsheathed his sword . Then he stood waiting .
- 月光刚好能让他看清房门底下的地方,于是他吹灭了蜡烛,拔出剑来站在那等着。
- He said and then quickly unsheathed a sword that was tied across his back and threw it horizontally as if it had been a small dagger .
- 他说,然后迅速出鞘一个绑在他的背部和扔水平好像它是一个小的匕首剑。
- Tail words before he fell , he ran the blood river excalibur unsheathed , between heaven and earth red a !
- 尾字才落,血河神剑叱然出鞘,天地间红光一片!
- She unsheathed her weapon , revealing a long , metal whip .
- 她出鞘她的武器,露出一个长,金属鞭子。
- The knight unsheathed his sword .
- 骑士拔出了他的剑。
- Warily , ken unsheathed siren and approached the fire .
- 留心地,肯恩不鞘了女海妖而且接近了火。
- My father finally unsheathed the sword .
- 我爸爸的宝剑终于出鞘了。