


understandably 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- But they would understandably regard such a strategy as highly risky .
- 但是他们会理所当然地认为这是一种高风险策略。
- So the demonstration might quite understandably have been an unruly affair .
- 所以出现这样一场难以控制的示威也是情有可原。
- Without enough income to repay principle on the loans , banks are understandably reluctant to lend .
- 如果没有足够的收入来偿还贷款本金,银行不愿放贷也就在情理之中了。
- He is understandably excited about college life .
- 崭新的大学生活让他格外兴奋。
- Practice explaining complicated concepts understandably .
- 练习把复杂的概念解释清楚。
- For small-ticket items , users are understandably reluctant to enter their credit-card data .
- 小额物品消费时,用户显然是不愿意输入他们的信用卡资料的。
- Back then , xerox dominated the photocopier market and was understandably focused on improving and sustaining its high-margin products .
- 那时,施乐占据着复印机市场,自然要专心改进和维持这些高利润的产品。
- And people are understandably wary of purblind contraptions bumping into them willy-nilly in the street or at home .
- 并且人们对那种会在大街上或家里愣头愣脑撞到自己的视力不佳的新奇玩意儿会小心翼翼,这是可以理解的。
- All those points have been raised in congress by legislators who are understandably fearful of the political consequences of bailing out wall street .
- 所以这些观点都在国会被一些议员提出,他们考虑到拯救华尔街后带来的可以想象的可怕的政治后果。
- Long repressed , egypt 's islamists understandably see the elections as a unique chance to assert their dominance .
- 考虑到长时间受到压制,埃及的伊斯兰教徒将选举视为一个宣布自己主导地位的独特机会是可以理解的。