
ultraman 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The malaysia paper printed a cartoon depicting japanese cartoon superhero ultraman attempting to outrun the tsunami .
- 马来西亚报纸刊登了一幅卡通漫画,描述了日本卡通超级英雄奥特曼试图逃离海啸。
- Dad : if you keep your promise , I will also let you watch ultraman this evening .
- 爸爸:你要是遵守你的诺言,今天晚上我就让你看《奥特曼》。
- " The ultraman series can be enjoyed by an entire family over three generations , " koizumi told nippon television .
- 小泉在接受日本电视台的采访时说:“奥特曼是一部一家三代都能看的电视剧。”
- Covered in inches of dark shiny sludge is a rich stew : a bicycle , an ultraman stuffed toy , a fire extinguisher , a bank book . A soccer ball . A wheelchair .
- 厚达数英寸、又黑又亮的污泥下面埋藏着各种各样的东西:自行车、“奥特曼”填充玩具、灭火器、存折、足球和轮椅。
- The ultraman television series first appeared on tv in 1966 .
- 奥特曼电视系列剧于1966年首播。
- I am watching ultraman instead .
- 我正在看《奥特曼》。
- Daniel : haha , I just got the ultraman costume .
- 丹尼尔:哈哈,我刚刚得到一件奥特曼的制服。
- The distinction between ultraman and superman .
- 超人和奥特曼的区别在于。