For the past 16 years , baby boomers , who were formed by the tumult of the 1960s , occupied the white house .
But in the tumult of recent months one crucial , if little noticed , development has the potential to transform the energy market .
More probable , however , is that after a season of tumult , the control of the police force itself is now under scrutiny .
Given the tumult of the past few years , the barter system is starting to look good .
Measured against a broader group of currencies that includes all america 's main trading partners , the dollar is little changed from where it was before august 's tumult began .
Given the ongoing tumult in the arab world , saudi arabia 's pavilion has elicited comment , not least because it was given over to two sisters who forgo the veil when they travel abroad .
After nearly three decades of rule and 18 days of nerve-wracking tumult , hosni mubarak had resigned as their president , formally handing power to the army 's supreme command .
Student evaluations , set in place to give the impression to students that they have an important say in their own education , are one of the useless intrusions into university teaching by the political tumult of the 1960s .
Having watched tumult erupt in the middle east , many leaders at davos wonder where else unrest might appear , particularly if the gap between that " 99 " and " 1 " per cent keeps growing .