
n.深沟,地沟( trench的名词复数 );战壕
trenches 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- We know the trenches like the backs of our own hands and we 're damn good at what we do .
- 我们知道,这些战壕就像自己的手背,我们太擅长做我们现在做的事情了。
- In world war I , dogs were used to locate wounded soldiers in the trenches and even had their own gas masks .
- 在第一次世界大战期间,狗被用于定位战壕里受伤的士兵,它们甚至还有自己的防毒面具。
- The united nations lists additional damage to the site , including trenches used as firing positions and barbed wire secured to various spots .
- 联合国列出了对遗迹破坏最多的地方,包括被用来做发射基地的战壕以及用来保护军营的带刺铁丝网。
- Diamond mining continues along the shore in the southern part of the new park and from the air the excavations show up as massive trenches .
- 在公园南部的海岸线附近,钻石开采活动仍在持续,大地上的沟壑从空中观察如同巨大的战壕一般。
- After assaulting a trench line , according to us military accounts , she cleared two trenches with grenades and killed three insurgents with her m4 rifle .
- 根据美国军方的记载,在对一道堑壕线发动攻击后,她用手榴弹清理了两道战壕并使用自己的m4步枪击毙了3名叛乱分子。
- He joined the royal naval air service in 1915 and was posted two years later to service and rescue aircraft that crashed behind the trenches at ypres and the somme .
- 他于1915年加入英国皇家海军航空队并在2年后正式为组织效力,他在伊普雷河与索姆河交接处的战壕后参加坠落飞机的抢救工作。
- In trenches around the fortified city , plumb martin , now a sergeant , waits with 8000 other patriot soldiers for the signal to attack .
- 在有工事防御的约克镇外围战壕里,已升为士官的普拉姆马丁和其他8000名爱国将士一起等待进攻信号。
- Her mother was forced out of her home at gunpoint and ordered to live in an " emergency village " -- a glorified camp surrounded by trenches .
- 她母亲在枪口威逼下被迫离开家,她被命令住在一个“紧急村落”这是被战壕围困的被美名了的营地。
- The united states can help by facilitating rebel communications and delivering virtual instruction on such military basics as digging trenches and coordinating firepower .
- 美国可以为反对派提供通讯设备和实际操作上的指导,比如在构建战壕和火力配置方面。
- During the first world war , british soldiers in the trenches became convinced that the french farmers who continued to plough their fields behind british lines were secretly signalling the german artillery .
- 第一次世界大战期间,战壕里的英国士兵认定在他们后方继续耕地的法国农民暗中给德国炮兵部队发信号。