

n.深沟,地沟( trench的名词复数 );战壕

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We know the trenches like the backs of our own hands and we 're damn good at what we do .
In world war I , dogs were used to locate wounded soldiers in the trenches and even had their own gas masks .
The united nations lists additional damage to the site , including trenches used as firing positions and barbed wire secured to various spots .
Diamond mining continues along the shore in the southern part of the new park and from the air the excavations show up as massive trenches .
After assaulting a trench line , according to us military accounts , she cleared two trenches with grenades and killed three insurgents with her m4 rifle .
He joined the royal naval air service in 1915 and was posted two years later to service and rescue aircraft that crashed behind the trenches at ypres and the somme .
In trenches around the fortified city , plumb martin , now a sergeant , waits with 8000 other patriot soldiers for the signal to attack .
Her mother was forced out of her home at gunpoint and ordered to live in an " emergency village " -- a glorified camp surrounded by trenches .
The united states can help by facilitating rebel communications and delivering virtual instruction on such military basics as digging trenches and coordinating firepower .
During the first world war , british soldiers in the trenches became convinced that the french farmers who continued to plough their fields behind british lines were secretly signalling the german artillery .