Cdlrd confirming design layout report date . The date a common carrier accepts the facility designed proposed by the telco .
Both options will require a root and branch review of the current telco business and operational models including : organisational restructuring and consolidation , as well as upgrade and replacement of systems and processes .
As part of the deal sk telecom ( korea 's leading telco ) awarded fix8 a contract " to lead the development of skt 's 3d avatar animation technology to enhance mobile and online communications . "
When I ( russ ) try to call the phone numbers for uk linux , and for you individually , I get a telco intercept ' lines are temporarily busy ' for the last two weeks .
Disruptive business models and the evolving telco .
Inevitably , the analog sampling is at a different rate than the telco clocking , leading to gradual filling or emptying of transmit and receive buffers .