When outsiders do bring up such issues , meles zenawi , ethiopia 's prime minister , responds tartly that , with famine again stalking the horn of africa , the right of people to food , shelter , a job and indeed to life itself depends on the stability of the state .
As for the value of future negotiations , he smiled tartly , and said that the only possible thing that the taliban might be willing to talk about with the americans and their allies were the terms of their complete withdrawal from the country .
America has tartly reminded mr chen of his promises not to upset the status quo .
As one bank analyst has tartly remarked : " you can 't blame the mirror for your ugly face . "
The commission notes tartly that " revenue windfalls during asset-price boom periods are often misread as durable improvements in the underlying budget position . "
Their motives may be partly political : mr jen tartly observes that the europeans have had nothing to say on the value of the yuan recently .