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- For the next eleven years he and his fellow religious dissenters lived in leyden until their fear of assimilation into dutch culture prompted them to embark on the mayflower for the voyage to north america .
- 之后的11年中,布莱德福的与其他清教徒一直居住在莱登,直到他们在被荷兰文化吞并的担忧促使下登上五月花号驶向北美。
- So they formed what lloyd calls ' a terrific partnership , ' setting up their advisory , mayflower partners , within advest , a regional brokerage firm .
- 因此他们组建了劳依德所称的“绝佳合伙关系”,在一家地区券商advest旗下组建了他们的咨询公司mayflowerpartners。
- Introduced in 1973 , the 240 was the ur-volvo , with the front grille of a peterbilt and the rear compartment of a mayflower van that ingested enormous amounts of cargo .
- 这款问世于1973年的旅行车采用了Peterbilt轿车的前格栅,五月花(Mayflower)MPV的后厢造型,因此具有相当大的载物空间。
- Today more than 10 % of all americans can trace their ancestry back to the mayflower .
- 在今天,超过10%的美国人家谱可以追溯到“五月花号”上。
- Most history books ignore this reality , however , and blame the starvation crisis of the pilgrims on corporate greed on the part of the mayflower company .
- 然而,大部分历史书都对事实视而不见,却纷纷谴责五月花公司的贪婪导致了这些人的饥荒。
- More than half a century before the mayflower set sail , french pilgrims had come to america in search of religious freedom .
- 在五月花号船启航的半个世纪前,法国朝圣者就已经为了寻求宗教自由来到美国。
- When william bradford , leader of the mayflower expedition , figured this out he reorganized the massachusetts pilgrims in a regime of private property in land .
- 当五月花号的首领威廉布拉福特发现这一点时,他重新调整了马萨诸塞州探险者的所有制,采取了土地私有产权制度。