
v.给…津贴或补贴,资助或补助…( subsidize的现在分词 )
subsidizing 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- And my republican friend tom coburn is right : washington should stop subsidizing millionaires .
- 我的共和党朋友汤姆科伯恩说的对:华盛顿应该停止补贴富人。
- Meanwhile , the government has responded to growing food demand by subsidizing pesticides .
- 同时,政府也在通过发放农药补助来应对不断增长的食品需求。
- The government is subsidizing household adoption of eco-friendly hydrogen fuel cells that generate electricity and heat water .
- 政府正在对使用环保的氢燃料来发电和烧热水的家庭给予补助。
- Moe directions for subsidizing professionals in innovating student affairs and student .
- 教育部补助私立大学校院学生事务与辅导创新工作。
- When west germany and the other eec countries wanted to stop subsidizing meat and milk sales to poland , france -- which sells much of the food -- wanted to continue .
- 当西德和其他共同体国家要求对波兰的肉类和牛奶销售停止补助时,出售着大量该类食品的法国则要求继续这种补助。
- So they are subsidizing big corporations .
- 因此他们是在资助大公司。
- Haiti 's plan calls for subsidizing nonpublic schools to eliminate or reduce tuition .
- 海地的计划要求资助非公立学校来免除或者裁减学费。
- An undervalued currency spurs exports by subsidizing costs for local manufacturers .
- 货币贬值以补贴国内生产企业的成本的方式刺激出口。
- A presidential veto is expected for one bill subsidizing stem cell research using human embryos .
- 预计总统将会否决一项资助使用人类晶胚进行干细胞研究的法案。
- Surely that would be a foolish justification for subsidizing smoking .
- 使补贴吸烟正当化确实是一个愚蠢的想法。