

n.螺旋(线)( spiral的名词复数 );螺旋式的上升(或下降)
v.盘旋上升(或下降)( spiral的第三人称单数 );(物价等)不断急剧地上升(或下降)

spirals 变化形式

易混淆的单词: Spirals

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Advanced curves , spirals , straight lines , fractals and pictures can take a long time to mark out and work .
Last month the indian supreme court blamed increasing social violence in the country on the " false promises of ever-increasing spirals of consumption leading to economic growth that will lift everyone " .
I think the beauty of the trophy comes from its perfect balance ; its lines spring out from the base , rising in spirals , stretching out to receive the world .
Recessions are downward spirals : instead of spending and investing , people and businesses hold on to their cash , which shrinks overall demand , which forces businesses to cut back , which creates unemployment , which shrinks demand even more .
His critics point out that central bankers no longer try to target the money supply directly , but to those who remember the inflationary 1970s it is perhaps more important that futile attempt to push unemployment to zero no longer trigger inflationary spirals .
Liquidity risk and the current crisis : downward liquidity spirals
Most likely it won 't as the global economy spirals downward .
Second , this escalating homogeneity inevitably spirals into conflict and violence , because soon everyone is competing for the same things .
She sees them as spirals of light behind people ; their human form , she says , is just a disguise to make them less frightening .