
sinners 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- If hell was designed by behavioural economists , sinners would be forced to play simon for their souls .
- 如果地狱是由行为经济学家设计的,那些罪人会被迫玩simon来救赎灵魂。
- He and others opened the way to regard gay people as human beings , not as deviates or sinners .
- 他和其他人开始将同性恋者当作为正常人来看待而不是边缘人或罪人。
- Even in europe some sinners have faired better than saints , in gdp terms at least .
- 在欧洲也是这样,往往罪人比圣徒过得更好,至少在gdp上确实如此。
- If birgitta is the patron saint of europe , kreuger was the patron saint of sinners ; he was arguably the most brilliant and ambitious swindler who ever lived .
- 如果说birgitta是欧洲的守护圣徒,那么kreuger就是罪人的守护神;他可能是有史以来最有才华最有野心的骗子。
- Morrison , the atrocity you committed should not take you to hell - the place white people have told us of where fire burns sinners forever .
- 莫里森,你所犯下的暴行应该不至于让你沦落地狱,罪人在地狱里会永受烈火焚身之苦,白人们都这么说。
- And god is free to do this that is to change sinners into saints because of the sacrificial work of his son the lord jesus on the cross of calvary .
- 并且上帝是随心所欲地做这件事,那就是将罪人变成圣徒,因为他的儿子主耶稣被钉在十字架上,做了牺牲。
- The central message of christianity is that jesus christ is god the son who came to earth to rescue sinners not only from a life of sin but also from eternal damnation in hell .
- 基督教的中心思想是:耶稣基督是上帝的儿子,他降临世上不仅是为了救罪人脱离罪的一生,更是为了救他们远离地狱里永恒的咒诅。
- The idea is to establish a national level of carbon dioxide emissions , and sell pollution permits to industry as the catholic church used to sell indulgences to sinners .
- 该法案旨在对全国范围的二氧化碳排放实行总量控制,并像天主教堂过去宽恕罪人那样对企业发放排放许可证。
- Gone are automatic sanctions on fiscal " sinners " and review of breaches of fiscal rules by the european court of justice .
- 同样成为不可能之事的还有对财政“罪人”自动实施制裁,以及由欧洲法院(europeancourtofjustice)审查违反财政条例的情况。
- So then , real christians are sinners like you and me who have been washed white , ( not whitewashed ) by the exceedingly precious blood of the son of god .
- 如此看来,真正的基督教徒是像你我一样的罪人,我已经被上帝的儿子异常珍贵的血液冲洗干净(不是白化)了。