

siemens 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Siemens
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- Many it services have already been handed over to siemens .
- 很多it服务也已经交给西门子公司管理。
- In other fields siemens 's progress has been equally dramatic .
- 在其他领域,西门子取得的进步同样引人注目。
- However , that is also true of siemens 's american rival .
- 然而,这些对于西门子的对手来说也是一样的。
- Subsidiaries of siemens and others have been faced with substantive bribery charges .
- 西门子和其它公司的子公司已经面临实质性的行贿起诉。
- A germany-based spokesman for siemens didn 't return an email seeking comment .
- 一位身在德国的西门子发言人未对记者的采访email进行答复。
- Earlier last year mobile applications were announced by autodesk dassault and siemens plm .
- 去年年初,autodeskdassault和西门子plm也陆续发布了移动应用程序。
- It is trying to sell that business to nokia siemens for $ 1.2 billion .
- 他正在试图以十二亿美元的价格将这项业务转给诺基亚西门子。
- Siemens has had its own footprint in both countries for over 100 years .
- 100多年来,西门子在这两个国家都留下了足迹。
- Underlying all this , siemens was badly managed for a long time .
- 比这些都重要的是,西门子管理不善已经很长时间了。
- For years siemens was unable to increase its share much beyond one-third .
- 多年以来,西门子都难以将市场占有率提高至三分之一以上。