
[sɪˈɛnə, ˈsjɛnɑ]

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- Italy dominated the list , with siena in sixth place and bologna seventh .
- 锡耶纳排名第六,博洛尼亚第七,因而意大利统治了这份榜单。
- From the restaurant there is a beautiful view of siena .
- 从饭店看去,可见剑锡耶纳的美丽景致。
- In nine years of living just outside siena , aaron jastrow had never attended a palio .
- 埃伦杰斯特罗在锡耶纳近郊住了九年,却一次也没看过赛马。
- Siena chief giorgio perinetti admits roma face a battle to sign fullback christian molinaro .
- 锡耶纳主席佩里内蒂承认罗马在签署后卫克里斯蒂安莫里纳罗中将面对竞争。
- I can 't change what you witnessed in siena .
- 我能改掉你在锡耶纳看到的。
- It 's risky to take him to siena .
- 带他去锡耶纳很危险。
- There are the main tourist cities like rome , venice , florence , siena which are filled with culture and beauty .
- 最主要的旅行城市是罗马、威尼斯、佛来伦萨、锡耶纳,充满文化和美丽。
- Siena 's main piazza was one of the sights of italy .
- 锡耶纳的主要广场是意大利的名胜之一。
- But feng xiaoting reporter from the mouth to understand is that the introduction of siena he was very interested .
- 但是记者从冯潇霆口中了解的情况是,锡耶纳对引进他还是很有兴趣的。
- Twenty years ago , when italy 's public-sector banks were transformed into joint stock corporations , politicians in siena were unwilling to let go .
- 20年前,当意大利国有银行开始转型成股份制企业时,锡耶纳市的官员们就不愿撒手。