
n.海[湖]滨线,海[湖]岸线( shoreline的名词复数 )
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- During a protracted period when lake suguta was overflowing into lake turkana wave action carved notches and terraces into these fossil shorelines .
- 在苏加塔湖溢流向图尔卡纳湖的长期过程中,波浪作用在这些曾经的湖岸线上刻蚀出槽口和台阶形痕迹。
- And lest you think that cloaking applies only to the intangible world , 2008 even brought a plan for using cloaking techniques to protect shorelines from giant incoming waves .
- 科学家们似乎唯恐人们认为它仅适用于虚拟世界,因此他们在2008年甚至制定一项计划,打算利用这种技术保护海岸线免受潮汐冲击。
- Don : they found the shorelines of a younger ocean about ten times the size of the mediterranean sea , and an older ocean twice that size .
- 唐:他们发现较年轻的那片海洋的海岸线是地中海的十倍,而较古老的海洋则是地中海的两倍。
- They 'll be in locations such as ballparks and college campuses , on planes and cruise ships , in theaters and on city streets , highways and shorelines .
- 这些样片还会出现在棒球场、大学校园、飞机上、游轮上、剧院里、城市的街道上、高速公路以及海边。
- Contains detailed hydrographic features , including coastlines , lake and river shorelines , wetlands and perennial .
- 包含详细的水文功能包括海岸线,湖泊和河流沿岸,湿地和常年。
- We 're checking all shorelines and island interiors .
- 我们正在清查所有的海岸线以及岛内。
- The once-flat shorelines were disfigured by a massive toppling over of the planet , scientists announced recently .
- 科学家们最近宣布:由于火星的大幅度倾斜,一度平坦的海岸线遭到扭曲变形。
- Irregular shorelines offer the monist protection for fish and aquatic plants .
- 不规则海岸线提供单轨保护鱼类和水生植物.
- Rob young is professor of coastal ecology at western carolina university and director of the program for the study of developed shorelines .
- 罗伯扬,西卡罗来纳大学海岸生态学教授,海岸变迁研究项目负责人。
- In september french and british physicists presented a plan for using metamaterials to shield shorelines from the impact of massive waves .
- 九月份,法国和英国物理学家展示一项计划,打算使用超材料保护海岸线免遭严重潮汐的冲击。