

shipper 变化形式
复数: shippers
shipper 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Any delay or demurrage by not complying with this rule will be the shipper 's responsibility .
- 任何逾期或延误,不遵从这条例的发货人将承担相应责任。
- If the consignor behaviour was caused by his punishment , all responsibility is assumed by the shipper .
- 如果由于发货人的行为造成被委托人被处罚,则一切责任均由发货人承担。
- Be the original for consignor or shipper , even if the credit stipulates a full set of originals .
- 为开给发货人或托运人正本,即使信用证规定提交全套正本。
- If contract is with shipper 's association , members entitled to use the contract must be listed .
- 如果与托运人协会签订合同,合同中必须列入有权使用合同的成员公司。
- Forwarder cargo receipt showing seller and buyer instead of shipper and consignee is acceptable .
- 货代货物收讫收据不显示托运人和收货人而显示卖方和买方,是可以接受的。
- Advise how shipper dispose towards market movement ?
- 对市场动态,烦告货主意向如何?
- If a shipper should use a p.o. box address , the recipients telephone number must be included on the label .
- 如果寄件人应当使用邮箱地址,那么就必须在标签上包括收件人的电话号码。
- If shipper requires greater protection , then insurance may be arranged at an additional cost .
- 假如付货人需要更大的保障,可加额外成本安排保险。
- Dhl has the right to open and inspect a shipment without prior notice to shipper .
- dhl有权在没有向发件人预先通知的情况下,开启并检查货物。
- Investigation focuses initially on the importer , shipper and consignee .
- 起初调查重点是进口商、运输公司和收货人。