
sectioned 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Furthermore , it was sectioned into 240 blocks from which histological slides were prepared .
- 进而又被切成240块,拍摄了组织学幻灯片。
- The single crystal is sectioned and then sliced and subsliced with a diamond .
- 用金刚石锯先将单晶体切成段,再切成片。
- A normal adult ovary has been sectioned here to reveal a hemorrhagic corpus luteum .
- 剖开的正常成年人卵巢示出血性黄体。
- This model - an exact copy of the worn area - was sectioned and photographed .
- 这个模型--磨损部位的精确复制--被切割并且拍照。
- With virtually every website , good ux design can be sectioned into three parts or events : introduction , consumption and reaction .
- 基本在每个网站上,好的用户体验设计都可以分为三个部分:初识、消费和反馈。
- He lives on one level of a bunk bed sectioned off by metal mesh , occupying a so-called " cage home " in a small , shabby flat subdivided between 10 men .
- 唐万伟住在一个破旧小公寓的所谓“笼屋”(cagehome)里,睡的是用铁丝网围成的上下铺的下铺,公寓里住着10个人。
- In the medieval era , monks sectioned off patches of swamp and drained them . The trademark windmills powered the pumps .
- 到中世纪,僧侣们把沼泽分割成块,然后把水排干,于是为水泵提供动力的风车成了商标。
- The unyielding divisions used by some anthropologists in the early years of the last century had humanity neatly sectioned into an absolute and immutable hierarchy in which northern europeans were at the top .
- 某些人类学家在上世纪初运用的强行划分已经人为地整齐划分为绝对的不可更改的等级,其中,北欧人居于首位。
- The appendix has been sectioned in half .
- 阑尾已经被纵切成两半。
- A library sectioned into subject areas .
- 按科目划分的图书馆。