The volunteers then had a cream rubbed into the skin of one leg to induce pain , which was either a dummy cream or a cream that contained chilli - which caused a burning and painful sensation .
Just after the manipulation of construal level participants had dummy electrodes attached to their arm and were told that their personality could be measured while they squeezed the stiff handgrip again .
The rocket used in the test flight is identical to the one nasa hopes to use to lift astronauts into space , except for the top half , which included a dummy crew capsule and upper-stage rocket .
Named after a 16th-century danish astronomer , tycho brahe ( tee-ko brah ) holds one person-or , as in friday 's test flight , one crash-test dummy .
They placed their dummy heads in their beds and set off through the air vent holes .
A " naive " dummy carry trade portfolio constructed by royal bank of scotland , and believed to be a fairly accurate representation of the real funds operating in this field , lost 32 per cent last year .
And tests run by the tsa found that officers were so busy hunting for lighters and other fairly trivial banned items that they overlooked dummy bomb parts placed nearby .