

seconder 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Mr. brown had been proposed by mr. jones , and miss smith was his seconder .
- 琼斯先生建议布朗先生,史密斯小姐是附议者。
- The nominator and the seconder must be basic members or representative of .
- 提名人,和议人必须为有效期内的基本会员或团体会员代表。
- The motion can not be put , because the proposer can not find a seconder for it .
- 因为建议找不到附议者动议不能通过。
- There is no seconder for the motion so it will not be put to the vote .
- 因此动议无附议者,所以该动议不再交付表决。
- Nonetheless she was a seconder for a resolution on protecting lesbian rights at the national women 's conference in houston in 1977 .
- 但是,1977年在休士顿举行的全国妇女会议中,她对於一项保护女同性恋权利的决议表示附议。
- Does that motion have a seconder ?
- 那项动议有人附议吗?
- There was no seconder for the motion so it could not be debated .
- 这项动议没有附议者,所以用不着辩论了。
- The nominator and the seconder must be basic members or organization members .
- 提名人,和议人必须为有效期内的基本会员或团体会员。
- The proposer , seconder and candidates must not be disqualified at the date of nomination .
- 提议人,附议人及候选人在提名时必须具有会员资格。