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- Associate professor of department of bme , and the center for theoretical biology at pku , in bioinformatics and computational system biology .
- 工学院生物医学工程系、北大理论生物学中心副教授,研究领域:生物信息学和计算系统生物学。
- People with the rare disorder phenylketonuria ( pku ) cannot metabolize phenylalanine , and should avoid it .
- 有苯丙酮尿症的人无法吸收苯丙氨酸并应该避免这种代糖。
- Biology will continue to guide intervention , just as figuring out how the metabolic disorder pku worked on a chemical level enabled us to test all newborns for it and design a diet for affected babies to prevent mental retardation .
- 生物学仍然是介入手段的指导原则,比如如果弄清品行障碍症pku(苯酮尿症)如何作用于体内化学水平能够让我们对所有新生儿做检测,并且为那些受影响的婴儿设计食谱,以防止智力发育迟缓。
- April 23rd was pku campus open day .
- 4月23日,北大校园开放日。
- City the sasac , visited pku recommended .
- 市国资委、团市委推荐。
- And it can be picked up very early - there 's a genetic test for pku that all babies in the u. s.get at birth .
- 这个疾病的确能极早被发现-美国所有婴儿在出生时就会做一种检测苯丙酮尿症的基因测试。
- For example , phenylketonuria , or pku , is a genetic disease that affects newborns and leads to intellectual disability and seizures .
- 例如,苯丙酮尿症,即pku,是一种遗传性疾病,它影响新生儿并导致其智力障碍和癫痫发作。