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salvor 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

With the development of salvage at sea , how to encourage the salvor to take the salvage operation positively and reduce the environment pollution has been an emergent problem in the international admiralty law .
If the salvor has failed , due to his negligence , to prevent or minimize the pollution damage to the environment , he may be totally or partly deprived of the right to the special compensation .
In case the provisions of clause 9 apply , the owner of the vessel shall provide satisfactory security at the reasonable request of the salvor .
" Payment " means any reward , remuneration or compensation for salvage operations to be paid by the salved party to the salvor pursuant to the provisions of this chapter .
Article 179 where the salvage operations rendered to the distressed ship and other property have had a useful result , the salvor shall be entitled to a reward .
Without the consent of the salvor , the ship or other property salved shall not be removed from the port or place at which they first arrived after the completion of the salvage operation , until satisfactory security has been provided with respect to the ship or other property salved , as demanded by the salvor .
Article 189 the court or the arbitration organization handling the salvor 's claim for payment may , in light of the specific circumstances and under fair and just terms , decide or make an award ordering the party salved to pay on account an appropriate amount to the salvor .
Under all circumstances , the total special compensation provided for in this article shall be paid only if such compensation is greater than the reward recoverable by the salvor under article 180 of this code , and the amount to be paid shall be the difference between the special compensation and the reward .
Under all circumstances , the total special compensation defined in this clause shall be paid only if such compensation is greater than the reward recoverable by the salvor under clause 7 of this contract , and the amount to be paid shall be the difference between the special compensation and the reward .
Article 101 where limitation of liability is applied according to law after the occurrence of a maritime accident , the shipowner , charter , operator , salvor and insurer may apply to the maritime court to constitute a limitation fund for maritime claims liability .