On march 13 rescue workers approach hiromitsu shinkawa , a 60-year-old man from japan 's minamisoma city who washed out to sea during the recent tsunami and spent days clinging to a piece of roofing .
Mark petit , owner of m & m contractors in salem , mass . , Says he saw a significant uptick in roofing and other business in march , april and may , as people did storm-related repairs and fixed up homes for sale .
Robert and gary allen are brothers who run a small michigan roofing company .
Workmen are busy , hammering away at the gori apartment blocks smashed by russian rockets , unloading roofing materials from lorries and installing windows .
Akbari and rosenfeld said they will mount an effort to persuade the united nations to organize major cities to alter their roofing and pavement .
His men were idle and dishonest , the fields were full of weeds , the buildings wanted roofing , the hedges were neglected , and the animals were underfed .