

rollercoaster 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- It feels like the 2008 rollercoaster all over again for commodities investors .
- 大宗商品投资者好像再次坐上了2008年那样的过山车。
- Getting off the rollercoaster is one thing ; being able to get on the next ride quite another .
- 从过山车上下来是一回事,而能够获得乘坐下一趟则是另一回事。
- One is to take an exciting script , hire famous actors , shoot a rollercoaster of a film , distribute it widely and market it deftly .
- 一是采用令人兴奋的剧本,启用大腕演员,拍摄的情节要跌宕起伏,发行范围要广,营销手段要高。
- This shows that in the past two years , investors have suffered a more violent rollercoaster ride than they have ever seen before in their careers .
- 该指数显示,过去两年,投资者经历的跌宕起伏比他们以前在职业生涯中所见过的更为剧烈。
- One is to take an exciting script , hire famous actors , shoot a rollercoaster of a film , distribute it widely and market it deftly . This is the hollywood way , and it worked pretty well for harry potter .
- 一种是好莱坞电影模式,它要求有激动人心的剧本,著名影星的加盟,跌宕起伏的电影情节,娴熟的市场推广技巧和广泛的发行渠道,影片《哈利波特》就是这种方法的绝好例证。
- Kenya has been on a rollercoaster .
- 肯尼亚坐上了云霄飞车。
- The ultimate source of these rollercoaster movements was the asian savings surplus .
- 导致这类剧烈波动的最根本原因是亚洲的储蓄过剩。
- Suddenly he 's on a rollercoaster ride into the london underworld-a dangerous land of murderers , thieves and talent agents .
- 突然他进入伦敦地狱之内是在一次云霄飞车乘坐上-凶手,小偷和才能代理人的危险土地。
- Blackberry torch rollercoaster commercial what s the song .
- 黑莓过山车商业火炬首歌曲是什么。
- The first involved more than 53000 customers of a theme park , who were photographed while riding a rollercoaster .
- 第一个实验的对象是一个主题公园内的53000多名游客,他们玩过山车的场景被拍成了照片。