英音  ['rɒbɪŋ]    
美音 ['rɒbɪŋ]    


v.抢夺( rob的现在分词 );抢劫;掠夺;使丧失

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In other words , all its relief and subsidy schemes are merely ways of robbing peter to support paul .
A country with weak property rights and a rent-seeking bureaucracy , they argued , can invent new ways of extracting bribes and robbing businesses , but not of creating intellectual wealth .
He said the cause of his weight loss had initially been a mystery but that doctors had recently discovered a " hormone imbalance that has been ' robbing ' me of the proteins my body needs to be healthy " .
Concern for the environment is not something naidoo thinks best left until basic needs are " sorted out " because he believes climate change is robbing the poor of their traditional livelihoods and is increasing global impoverishment .
These measures essentially robbing peter to pay paul will require at least 400 miles of channels to be dug through farmland .
They are not robbing people - they are just " asking them to pay their fair share . "
Here their revisionist view shifts responsibility firmly on to government and even the public , which was guilty of robbing banks of money they never wanted to lend .
Most of the people I talked to in prison said they would avoid robbing anyone who looked like they 'd be able to give an accurate description .
The world 's second-biggest economy had hoped it would more easily control its economic destiny by taking huge mineral stakes , robbing companies such as bhp billiton , vale and rio tinto of the ability to dictate commodity prices .
With politics in athens reduced to paralysis following sunday 's elections , which saw parties of the left and right robbing the coalition government of its majority , a key german policymaker yesterday came close to saying all this officially .