

roles 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Roles
roles 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- There are certain roles you wish you could tackle over and over again .
- 有些角色让人欲罢不能。
- He was on zipcar 's payroll only half-time , and we reversed roles .
- 但他在Zipcar只领半薪,而且我们完全互换了角色。
- This is where leaders must play their roles .
- 管理者在其中必须发挥作用。
- That 's a significant shift in a nation where traditional gender roles have been the bedrock of family .
- 这里发生了一个很大的转变就是:家庭传统的性别地位已经颠覆了。
- Mixing the two roles is dangerous .
- 将这两个角色混淆非常危险。
- They all have important roles .
- 它们每一种都有重要的作用。
- Are the two roles in conflict ?
- 这两个角色有冲突吗?
- Invite newcomers to assume leadership roles .
- 邀请新来的去假想下自己是领导的角色。
- Senior roles have changed , too .
- 高级公务员的角色也发生了变化。
- This history helps explain the different roles of the state .
- 历史也揭示了政府所起到的不同作用。