Herodias what does that matter ? You know well that it is I whom he seeks to revile . And I am your wife , am I not ?
A kid being mounted on the roof of a lofty house , and seeing a wolf pass below , began to revile him .
Herodias you hear what he says against me ? You suffer him to revile her who is your wife !
I 'm not sure whether I should bow before you or revile you for committing sacrilege .
Authorities revile such ' hot money , ' in part because it can further fuel inflation .
23 Who being reviled did not revile in return ; suffering , he did not threaten but kept committing all to him who judges righteously ;
0 But these revile the things that they do not know ; and the things that they understand naturally , like animals without reason , in these they are being corrupted .
The truth is that under bush , all the probable incoming house leaders-boehner ( speaker ) , eric cantor ( majority leader ) , darrell issa ( oversight ) , jerry lewis ( appropriations ) , and spencer bachus ( financial services ) - fully supported the kind of big-government conservatism that tea partiers say they revile .
And those standing by said , do you revile the high priest of god ?
It 's one thing to revile the whole of modern art and anyone who likes it , as does a stuckist painter in a series of paintings starring me as their villain .