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Since then , the ftse emerging markets index has outperformed the developed markets index by 48.8 per cent .
The ftse emerging markets equity index reached above its close on september 12 , the eve of the lehman debacle .
The ftse all world index has fallen by 3.2 % over the same period in dollar terms .
The u.k. 's ftse 100 , down 27 % from 2007 , ranks 36th .
Ftse put global losses for the first week of august at $ 3.785 trillion ; the msci all country world index fell $ 2.794 trillion .
The ftse all world index was down as much as 23 per cent from its may highs , falling through the 20 per cent level that signifies a bear market .
Since emerging markets hit bottom , they have gained more than 72 per cent , according to ftse indices ; the us s & p 500 index is flat since then .
The differences in estimates ' are a representation of how complex the index business is today , ' says jonathan horton , chief marketing officer for index maker ftse group .
Indeed , using prospective p / es of next year 's projected earnings from the ftse all-world indices , developed and advanced emerging market stocks are trading at multiples of 15.1 and 14.6 respectively .
Meanwhile , I know a senior financier , an ex-chair of a ftse company , who still has his secretary print out his e-mails for him to read so he can then dictate replies for her to e-mail back .