This study is mainly for the part of the wastepaper recycling and remanufacturing process to study both of the reverse logistics inventory models from recycler and manufacturer perspectives .
Wellman international is europe 's largest recycler of pet ( polyethylene terephthalate ) bottles as well as a leading european producer of polyester staple fibre products and rpet .
" They already tore down the fresh fish junction neighborhood , " our recycler tells me when I see him . " Now they 're tearing down veranda lane . "
Since 2006 the country 's 31 crematoriums have earned dkr 77762 ( $ 15000 ) from 4810kg of salvaged metal sold to a dutch recycler .
A full bag , sold to a recycler , could fetch about 40 cents .
Second place went to zhang yin and family , owners of the paper recycler nine dragons paper , while in third place was xu rongmao and family , the owners of the shimao property group .
See this map to find a recycler .
But there are ways to assure that your old electronic equipment is handled by a reputable recycler , says puckett .
Check to see if your recycler is first looking to see if old equipment can be reused .