
v.撤回(声明),放弃(信仰或主张)( recant的现在分词 )
recanting 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Zawahiri has alleged that his former comrade was tortured into recanting .
- 扎瓦希里宣称他的前战友是被屈打成招的。
- Confronted by today 's turbo-charged capitalism , mr monks cast off his former moderation . He even seemed to be on the verge of recanting his commitment to the partnership model .
- 面对如今的“增压资本主义”(turbo-chargedcapitalism),蒙克斯一改他曾经的温和态度,甚至似乎要放弃对伙伴关系模式的支持。
- But by recanting on the budget deal they struck with the democrats last year , and by renewing pledges to slash spending and overhaul popular government programmes , the republicans have certainly paved the path to partisan rancour and democratic attack ads.
- 但是,通过去年宣布放弃为打击民主党而制定的预算案,和提出重新削减开支并彻底改革大众的政府计划,共和党必定已铺平了与民主党竞争的道路。