
v.使恢复活动,重起作用( reactivate的过去式和过去分词 )
reactivated 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Check whether transaction can be reactivated .
- 检查事务是否可以重新激活。
- Already , researchers have found tantalizing clues that at least some ancient dinosaur characteristics can be reactivated .
- 研究人员已经发现了一些振奋人心的线索,那就是至少有些远古恐龙的特征可以被重新激活。
- Recent evidence has shown that ensembles of neurons within the hippocampus , which had been activated during behavior are reactivated during periods of dreaming .
- 不过近期则有研究证据显示,在行为过程中已经被活化的海马回神经元群集,会再度於作梦期间被活化。
- Conclusions - mechanical stresses imposed by papillary muscle tethering increase mv leaflet area and thickness , with cellular changes suggesting reactivated embryonic developmental pathways .
- 结论因乳头肌束缚作用造成的机械应力可增加二尖瓣瓣叶面积和厚度,细胞的改变表明胚胎发育途径的再次活化。
- All the user 's former settings will instantly be reactivated as if nothing had ever happened .
- 所有用户的设置将即刻重新启用,就好像什么事也没有发生过。
- Why the reactivated gene affects only muscles of the face , shoulders and arms remains a mystery .
- 为什么被重新激活的基因只影响到脸部,肩膀和手臂的肌肉却依然是个谜。
- Because these neurons fired during memory-making , they could be reactivated when the drug was injected , allowing the researchers to induce an involuntary memory of the box .
- 由于这些在形成记忆过程中激活的神经元在药物的作用下能够重新激活,这就为科学家诱导小鼠产生非自愿的记忆提供便利。
- So , why has it reactivated ?
- 那幺它为什么又起反应了呢?
- We have reactivated the ability to get a subscription membership .
- 我们恢复了活动能力得到捐款会员资格。
- Last year it announced that the plant would be reactivated .
- 去年,该公司宣称这个设备将重新运行。