
v.使恢复活动,重起作用( reactivate的现在分词 )
reactivating 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- True cloning , as first shown with dolly the sheep two years ago , involves taking a developed cell and reactivating the genome within , resetting its developmental instructions to a pristine state .
- 真正的克隆技术最初体现在两年前首次露面的多莉羊身上;它是取自一个发育完整的细胞,之后重新激活其内的基因组,把这个细胞发育的指令重新调到原始状态。
- For this reason , lin reckons the first use for the technique would be in reactivating damaged cells in the retina , which naturally absorb light .
- 出于这个原因考虑,lin认为这项技术的最先运用应该是重新激活视网膜上的受损细胞它们本来就吸收光。
- If the new treatments miss latent copies of the virus that are hard to activate , then those copies may , in any case , pose less of a risk of reactivating and replicating naturally , because they are in a deeper state of dormancy .
- 如果这种新疗法没发现难以激活的病毒潜伏副本,那么这些副本在任何情况下都不太可能有自然重新激活和繁殖的危险,因为它们已处于深度休眠状态中。
- You are the reactivating guitar player .
- 你是复活的吉他手吧。
- In this context , reactivating the interbank market and ensuring the proper financing of the economy is of paramount importance .
- 在这点上来说,恢复同业银行拆放市场、确保恰当的经济融资是重中之重。
- We look forward to reactivating our business .
- 我们盼望我们的业务关系重新活跃起来。
- He 's reactivating my company credit card .
- 他要帮我恢复我的公司信用卡。
- Reactivating that frame is still the most mortal threat to the democrats and to obama .
- 如此画面的再现依然是对民主党和奥巴马而言的最大的道德危机。
- The ecb has purchased over 50 billion in bonds since reactivating the program four weeks ago .
- 自一个月前重启了购债计划以来,欧洲央行已累计购买了逾500亿欧元的债券。
- The analysis and critique on the contemporary reactivating of historical end theory .
- 对历史终结论当代复活的分析与批判以福山《历史的终结和最后的人》为例。