

v.毁坏( ravage的现在分词 );蹂躏;劫掠;抢劫

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In fact , the cruel grinding wheels of economic inequality now ravaging the continent were put in place five centuries ago , when new trade routes in the atlantic and pacific put paid to the mercantile leadership of mediterranean europe .
But avian malaria is already ravaging the native birds of hawaii and it is now wreaking havoc in new zealand , says dr garamszegi .
She recently began feeding commercially available chocolate rich in polyphenols , a class of natural antioxidants , to treat inflammation ravaging the hearts and minds of mice .
Known as conficker , it quickly infected more than 12 million computers , ravaging everything from the computer system at a surgical ward in england to the computer networks of the french military .
But , says paul french , the ravaging of north korea 's economy in recent years has meant less and less left in the country to build from .
Here , democracy is on life-support , while paid-for politicians give mouth to mouth to imperialism , rampant globalization and the ravaging of the poor .
A chronic drought is ravaging farmland .
By agreeing to eventually step down , mr. berlusconi is likely to become the highest-profile political victim of the euro-zone crisis that has been ravaging the continent for the past two years .
Such trends may not have any relevance to the malaria parasites that infect humans . But avian malaria is already ravaging the native birds of hawaii and it is now wreaking havoc in new zealand , says dr garamszegi .