

n.类( range的名词复数 );(变动或浮动的)范围;射程;靶场
v.搜索( range的第三人称单数 );变化;延伸;漫游

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While some size up trade balances and growth trajectories , others are measuring missile ranges and comparing military parades .
Some physicists would rather fiddle with einstein 's theory of relativity , for instance by making gravity weaker at extremely long ranges .
The virus can infect bats with host ranges that extend all across europe and into the arabian peninsula .
But will we ever " package " sites date ranges and so on in a standard way with standard metadata ?
In 3.5 , you can also specify time ranges of history to clear - anywhere from the past hour to the past day .
Since 2006 , however , iran and syria have provided hizbullah with an arsenal of perhaps 50000 missiles and rockets , many with ranges and payloads well beyond what hizbullah had last time .
A big concern was that money markets had got so far from usual ranges that forward markets suggested normality would return next summer at the earliest .
All five species of prairie dogs are on the decline , and their habitat has practically disappeared , now standing at less than 10 percent of their historic ranges .
In central lisbon , the price of a two-bed flat ranges from 250000 to 3 00000 euros , while the rent for the same flat is around 2000 euros a month .
To avoid signalling their intentions to the market , institutional investors trade large orders in small blocks-often in lots of 100 to 500 shares-and within specified price ranges .