

n.马铃薯,土豆( potato的名词复数 );小人物
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- Finally , we passed yet another field where a family was planting potatoes .
- 后来,我们经过一块田地,农田的主人正在种植西红柿。
- Beans and potatoes can also share territory well because their roots reach different levels in the soil .
- 菜豆和马铃薯也能很好地分享领土,因为它们的根在土壤中的深度不同。
- Potatoes have appeared in our history books since their introduction to europe in the 16th century .
- 自从马铃薯在16世纪被引进到欧洲,它就出现在了我们的历史书上。
- Potatoes fit for processing are usually grown in more temperate latitudes . The tuber likes warm days and cool nights .
- 适用于加工的马铃薯通常产自温带,那里温暖的白天和凉爽的夜晚能满足这种作物的喜好。
- Now he plants potatoes on all of the six hectares he owns and another 1.6 he has leased .
- 现在,他不仅把所有的6公顷土地都用来种马铃薯,还租来1.6公顷以扩大种植面积。
- She recently paid $ 10 for 40 pounds of sweet potatoes , a fraction of the store price .
- 她最近花了10美元买了40磅红薯,只是商店价格的一小部分。
- Does that mean you have to sacrifice mashed potatoes and apple pie ?
- 这是否就意味着你不得不放弃土豆泥和苹果派?
- Some steamed potatoes or baked potatoes at night will not increase your weight .
- 在深夜食用一些蒸土豆或者烤土豆不会增加你的体重。
- The experts monitored 18 volunteers , who ate six to eight golf-ball-sized potatoes with skins twice daily for a month .
- 专家们考察了18个志愿者,这些志愿者连续一个月每天两次带皮吃掉6-8个高尔夫球大小的紫薯。
- He thought he was not small potatoes .
- 他自认为他不会是个小人物。