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Don 't expect too much , hypnosis is not the ' magical state ' that the media often portrays at as being .
But as it portrays real historical figures , critics complain that " pocahontas " easily misleads children and interferes with the events they 'll later learn about .
Contrary to what the film portrays , the two countries had enjoyed a general period of peace for about a century beforehand , and the scottish wouldn 't have claimed that the country had never been free .
He portrays the misery and isolation of saudi women who , despairing of their menfolk 's insensitivity , often turn to female companionship and sometimes lesbianism .
This fine piece of reportage is at once calm and shocking : it portrays a relationship between america and the arab world that was based on culture and mutual attraction , not on conquest and violence .
It 's not the hyper-orderly household that amy chua portrays , but the kids are constantly learning to take responsibility for their own homework , play time and everything else .
Mr brown , as he did successfully at the two previous general elections , portrays the conservatives as eager to cut public spending .
The chaos has been spurred on in part by a movie posted on youtube that unflatteringly portrays islam 's prophet mohammed .
I disagree with dr. levy ( the author mentioned above ) who portrays and condones a future that has humans falling in love and marrying robots .
The model of the solar system , which wright portrays people reacting to with such curiosity and awe , is a modern view in which copernicus and galileo are vindicated .