
Julianne 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The parents in " the kids are all right " are nic and jules , a lesbian couple played by annette bening and julianne moore , who have never been more enchanting or seemed less like movie stars .
- 在《孩子们都好》中的父母是尼克和朱尔斯,由安内特贝宁和朱利安摩尔扮演的一对女同伴侣,她们从未这样迷人,看起来像电影明星。
- And the second wife of jason robards ( julianne moore ) confesses to his nurse but cannot confess to the old man and seeks another way out .
- 而杰森洛巴德斯(jasonrobards)的第二任妻子(朱莉安摩尔饰)向护理者坦白,却无法向老人坦白,只得另寻办法。
- The group has also posted 100 of pictures of dancing with the stars 's julianne hough apparently taken from her personal account .
- 该组织还上传了跳舞大赛“与星共舞”的冠军朱莉安娜霍夫的100张照片,显然是从她的个人账户上盗取的。
- Nic and jules , the lesbian parents played by annette bening and julianne moore , are cut from the same cloth as the berglunds , but they exist mainly in a world of the like-minded , spared the kind of hostility that walter and patty habitually inspire .
- 尼克和朱尔斯,同性恋家长由安妮特贝宁和朱莉摩尔扮演,和贝尔格朗兹是同类,但是他们多数情况下生活的世界具有相似目的,没有了沃尔特和帕蒂惯常激起的那种敌意。
- In the film jeff lebowski tells the millionaire 's daughter ( julianne moore ) that in his youth he helped draft the port huron statement that founded students for a democratic society and was a member of the seattle seven .
- 电影中,杰夫勒堡斯基告诉百万富翁的女儿,他年轻时曾帮助学生们创办了民主社团而起草《休伦港宣言》(porthurtonstatement),并且他还是西雅图七人组的成员之一。
- Julianne smith directs the europe program at the center for strategic and international studies , a bipartisan public policy research group in washington .
- 史密斯是战略和国际研究中心欧洲项目部主任,这个研究机构是华盛顿的一个跨党派的政策研究机构。
- My friends and I see it as a game , " says julianne adams , a 21-year-old college student in new york . "
- “我和我的朋友把它当作一场游戏,”纽约的21岁大学生朱莉安娜•亚当斯说。
- * Cnnmoney writer julianne pepitone got some hands-on time with nintendo 's next-generation console , the wii u , at c.e.s. ( cnnmoney )
- *美国有线电视新闻网财经频道(CNNMoney)撰稿人朱利安尼•佩皮同尼有幸在消费电子产品展(CES)上亲身感受了任天堂(Nintendo)的新一代游戏机WiiU。
- Julianne hough is that so wrong .
- 朱利安霍夫是这样的错误。
- The song by julianne regan .
- 这个主题朱丽安里甘所唱地歌吗?