The ancestry of pedigree pooches is well recorded , their generation time is short and their litter size reasonably large , so there is plenty of material to work with .
The pooches won 't need primping .
Owners of the city 's many unlicensed pooches insisted the local authorities were hounding them .
These little pooches have a tendency to eat endlessly , as long as food accessible .
Poches for pooches : a new york pet lover has created the perfect way to carry a lazy pooch .
Science has stepped in to prove the conventional wisdom really does hold true : pooches do indeed resemble the people who own them , according to research presented this week at the british psychological society annual conference in brighton .
Sales of pet goods such as leashes with logos , so-called doggy bags for carrying pooches , vests and blankets almost doubled to $ 1.73 billion between 2004 and 2008 , euromonitor estimates .