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plastering 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

The effort included plastering pictures of the pair on billboards and running public-service announcements focused on ms. greig in 14 cities , he said .
Inside , about half of the blackened walls had already been repainted and workers were busy plastering over the last bullet holes in the staircase .
I could not help but to walk to the front of my painting desk , spreading the painting paper , taking up the dithered writing brush and dipping it with some yellow color and a little of vermeil , and then plastering the bright little window on the paper .
Kraft celebrated the 100th birthday of its oreo biscuit in shanghai yesterday by turning the waterfront into a vast oreo advertisement , painting the landmark oriental pearl tower oreo blue , plastering skyscrapers with multi-storey neon oreo adverts and staging fireworks over the huangpu river .
Right now , banks are desperately plastering over the cracks in their balance sheets created by the credit crunch .
Just don 't go nutty plastering on the tasty spread , since it is high in calories .
Countries including brazil , canada , singapore and thailand have already been plastering picture warnings on cigarette packs .
The school had changed the layout by adding a modern two-story building and plastering over the brick walls with cement , which were then painted with children 's murals .