英音  [ˌdʒi: si: es ˈi:]    


abbr.普通中等教育证书(General Certificate of Secondary Education)

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His economics gcse class is an experiment , part of a policy of promoting more academic subjects .
The following questions were set in last year 's gcse examination in england .
University college london , for example , has said that from 2012 it will require entrants to all its degree courses to have passed a gcse in a modern language at grade c or above .
The government is trying to do something . It wants to make gcse maths and english tougher by bringing a " functional " element into the exams .
In 2006 just 21 % of students got five good gcse passes , compared with 54 % at shenfield high .
Last year 's gcse results in england showed the highest attainment among indian and chinese students , with grades higher than those from the white british group .
The general certificate of secondary education ( gcse ) is now broadly thought too easy , with an ever-rising number of pupils awarded top marks .
Higher government gcse targets mean the number of secondary schools deemed to be failing has almost doubled in a year , something likely to further accelerate the already rapid transformation of schools into academies .
But the number sitting languages declined for the fourth year in a row since the government made languages non-compulsory for gcse students , triggering concerns that modern foreign languages are fast becoming the preserve of elite schools .
A teacher guiding 15-year-olds through a thoughtful debate on british manufacturing was a treasury economist before switching career . His economics gcse class is an experiment , part of a policy of promoting more academic subjects .