
n.拓荒者( pioneer的名词复数 );开发者;先驱者;创始者
pioneers 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- This is the only trade artery , the interstate , that allows the pioneers and settlers to sell the produce they 've sweated over .
- 这是条唯一的跨州贸易大动脉,拓荒西部的先驱者和移民们通过它,打开他们用汗水浇灌的农产品的销路。
- Carbon atom pioneers share nobel prize
- 碳原子的先驱者分享了诺贝尔奖
- But mr jobs was one of a handful of pioneers who saw what was coming .
- 但是乔布斯是少有的能够看到那个时代即将到来的先驱者。
- This is an approach to quality improvement based on the statistical work of joseph juran , one of two american pioneers of quality management in japan .
- 作为把质量管理理念引入日本的两位美国先驱者之一,约瑟夫朱兰在其统计工作的基础上,发现了用于改善质量的方法西格玛。
- And when american pioneers master the waters of the mississippi basin with a radical invention , the steamboat , a new era opens .
- 当美国的先驱者用划时代的发明,轮船,掌控了密西西比河水域的水,昭示着一个新纪元的到来。
- I have lost count of the number of business plans I 've seen from " digital pioneers " who want to build the next facebook or suchlike .
- 我已记不清自己看过多少“数字先驱者”们的商业计划,他们希望缔造下一个facebook或类似公司。
- To follow in the footsteps of our robot pioneers and visit the planets of the solar system .
- 跟随我们的机器人先驱者,访问太阳系的这颗行星吧。
- Not according to one of the pioneers of fuel-cell technology , ballard power systems , a canadian supplier of fuel-cell systems to a range of carmakers .
- 从燃料电池技术的一个先驱者ballard能源系统的情况来看并非如此,它是一系列汽车制造商燃料电池系统的加拿大供应商。
- What 's interesting is that great britain and japan are both pioneers in the field of social innovation .
- 有意思的是,英国和日本都是社会创新领域的先驱者。
- Glaxosmithkline and the bill & melinda gates foundation have both acted as pioneers here through their " open lab " approach to research .
- 葛兰素史克和盖茨夫妇基金会同样成为通过开放实验室的方法进行研究的先驱者。