

pushover 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- You are pushover for pretty girls .
- 你是个容易受美女影响的人。
- I 'm sure his mum will let him go -- she 's a real pushover .
- 我保证他的母亲会让他去她是很容易被说服的。
- The examination was a pushover ; I 'm sure of all the answers .
- 那次考试很容易,题目的答案我全都有把握。
- Let people know that you are not a pushover .
- 让大家知道你不是个懦弱无用的人。
- The pushover analysis for irregular structure .
- 不规则结构之侧推分析究。
- You think the dog is a pushover ?
- 你认为那只狗很老实吗?
- Going to college will be a pushover for him .
- 上大学对他来说是一件简单的事。
- Saturday 's game will be no pushover .
- 星期六的比赛不会很轻松。
- She was such a pushover that she swallowed every story he told her .
- 她是如此轻信以致于她相信所有他讲的故事。
- I am very sincere to people . But I can be very nasty , if you angered me . I am no pushover !
- 我对人很真诚,但有时也会生气,那是因为你惹到我了,我也绝不示弱!