For a firm that probably would have collapsed without government capital , debt guarantees and fast-track approval to turn itself into a commercial bank ( not to mention a multi-billion-dollar payout as a counterparty of american international group ) , such largesse looks cheeky at best .
And since the new greek bonds issued in the swap have some market value ( though they are already trading at a deep discount ) , the money changing hands after the precise payout is determined on march 19th will be somewhat less than that figure .
Deere 's dividend payout has been doubled and its debt rating has been upgraded .
He reckons it means corporate research can look farther ahead , do bigger things and risk more money for a big payout .
Forst said university leaders have delayed setting the endowment payout rate for the next fiscal year-a figure generally announced the december before-until harvard 's schools can reevaluate their budgets .
Prime minister naoto kan accepted the conclusion reached by the welfare and other ministers concerned whom he had asked to consider whether the government should lower the payout level in fiscal 2011 starting in april , the officials said .