Dube 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The judges are so far sympathetic to dube 's argument .
- 目前为止,法官们都非常赞同他的观点。
- Just ask sheetal dube . She and her husband came to the united states from india seven years ago .
- 问问sheetaldube吧,她和丈夫7年前从印度来到美国。
- In that week , too-as if mr dube had sensed the first ripples of the coming wave of change-eight of south africa 's long-term political prisoners were suddenly released from jail .
- 也就在那一周,八位南非的长期政治犯突然之间从监狱释放就好像杜布先生已经感觉到了即将到来的变革的第一道波澜。
- " People can ` t imagine going back to china without bringing something , " said dube . " The gift is part of the ritual . "
- 杜布说:“人们无法想象空手回国的场景,带礼物已成为一种习惯。”
- Ms. dube was a user experience consultant for technology companies .
- 杜贝女士是一个技术公司的用户体验顾问。
- Canadians jessica dube and bryce davison finished , meanwhile , in the first place .
- 加拿大人杰西卡杜贝和布莱斯戴维森完成,同时,在首位。
- Do you understand , dube ? Because I can 't wait for paul .
- 你明白吗,杜比?我不能等保罗了。